Fencing referee online test – General questions – Part 1

1. A reprise of the attack is:

Correct! Wrong!

2. A counter time is defined as:

Correct! Wrong!

3. Before going off the end of the strip with both feet, fencers must be able to retreat from their on guard lines a total distance of:

Correct! Wrong!

4. The distance required at the ends of a fencing strip in order to provide a safe and level surface upon which a fencer may retreat when crossing the rear limit is:

Correct! Wrong!

5. The protective plastron must be checked at the beginning of each:

Correct! Wrong!

6. Other than giving a penalty card, what should be done with electrical equipment that, when presented to the Referee, fails inspection?

Correct! Wrong!

7. A fencer reports to the strip with no protective plastron (underarm protector) and a weapon that fails inspection. The fencer receives a:

Correct! Wrong!

Inferred from instruction to “apply penalties according to Articles t.114, t.116, and t.120 (first group).”

8. Fencer X has no previous penalties. During a halt, X’s weapon is found not to conform to the Rules with a fault that could have been caused by the fencing.

Correct! Wrong!

9. Fencer X has a YELLOW CARD. During a halt, Fencer X’s weapon is found not to conform to the Rules with a fault that could have been caused by the fencing.

Correct! Wrong!

10. During a halt, a fault is found in Fencer X’s equipment; the equipment appears fraudulent.

Correct! Wrong!

If the technical expert determines that the equipment is fraudulent, X receives a BLACK CARD.

11. During a halt, a fault is found in Fencer X’s equipment where manifest fraud could exist.

Correct! Wrong!

Note that the question refers to equipment while the answers all focus on the weapon. It could be the body cord, mask, or uniform that is fraudulent.

12. With no penalties given, Fencer X is certified by the technical expert to have equipment that bears the marks of the preliminary check which have been imitated.

Correct! Wrong!

13. With no penalties given, Fencer X is certified by the technical expert to have equipment that is fraudulent.

Correct! Wrong!

14. With no penalties given, Fencer X is certified by the technical expert to have equipment that has been altered to allow the registering of touches.

Correct! Wrong!

15. With no other penalties given, Fencer X is penalized for crossing the lateral boundary to avoid a touch. X subsequently replaces a weapon with one that does not conform to the Rules.

Correct! Wrong!

Warning for leaving the strip to avoid being touched. Penalty for nonconforming weapon. Inferred from instruction to “apply penalties according to Articles t.114, t.116, and t.120 (first group).”

16. With no penalties yet given, Fencer X reports to the strip with a mask that does not bear the marks of the preliminary inspection.

Correct! Wrong!

17. Fencer X receives a RED CARD for a vindictive act. X subsequently replaces a broken weapon. The weapon, which has been confiscated, is verified by the technical expert to have a falsified inspection mark.

Correct! Wrong!

bears the marks of the preliminary check which have been imitated or transferred

18. May a weapon have any extensions beyond the guard?

Correct! Wrong!

“a cross bar or electric socket which extends beyond the edge of the guard is expressly forbidden.”

19. Specifications concerning the padding inside the guard include:

Correct! Wrong!

“The padding on the inside of the guard must be less than 2 cm thick.”

20. May the jacket or its collar be in any position other than closed?

Correct! Wrong!

Safety. “…The jacket and its collar must be completely buttoned or done up.”

21. What feature should the Referee check about the fencer’s jacket and breeches?

Correct! Wrong!

Jacket. At all weapons, for men and women, the lower edge of the jacket must overlap the knickers by at least 10 cm when the fencer is in the on-guard position. The additional requirement that the jacket “must cover the whole of the surface of the trunk” applies only to épée.

22. Fencer X arrives at the strip wearing shorts or sweat pants instead of fencing breeches.

Correct! Wrong!

Fencing trousers are no longer mentioned in the rules but according to Certified Referee Instructor Brad Baker, they are allowed.

23. What action should a Referee take when a fencer’s long socks fall down?

Correct! Wrong!

24. What action should a Referee take if a fencer reports to the strip with a torn sleeve?

Correct! Wrong!

25. Specifications for the cuff of the glove are:

Correct! Wrong!

26. What test must a mask be subjected to before use in a competition?

Correct! Wrong!

27. No penalties have been given. While retreating, Fencer X parries Fencer Y’s attack and ripostes, touching Y on the valid surface. X then falls; Y’s remise arrives on the valid surface.

Correct! Wrong!

Halt is called when the riposte arrives. Both the fall and the remise are after the halt and of no effect. Moreover, note that the penalty associated with falling is assigned only when the touch (valid or not, presumably not floor) is made during or after a fall (cf. t.87 & t.120).

28. With no penalties yet given, Fencer X falls during an attack. X’s attack lands on the opponent’s valid surface.

Correct! Wrong!

29. In a pool bout, Fencer X has received a YELLOW CARD for nonconforming equipment and is losing 3-2. Fencer Y attacks and scores a valid touch. In attempting to avoid the attack, X falls.

Correct! Wrong!

Falling is not penalized unless the falling fencer’s touch arrives during or after the fall. Even if a halt were called when Fencer X falls, Fencer Y’s action had already started and therefore scores.

30. Having already received a YELLOW CARD for raising the mask before the Referee called Halt, X parries while turning the back and then makes a riposte that arrives on the opponent’s valid surface.

Correct! Wrong!

Turning the back is an offence of the first group, requiring the referee to call “Halt!” and to assign the penalty. The halt occurs on the parry. The touch is annulled because the action began after the halt. (If the back were turned on the riposte, the touch would be annulled because of the card.)

31. In a pool bout, Fencer X has received a YELLOW CARD for non-conforming equipment and is winning 4-2. X attacks, sees the machine register a valid touch and, in excitement, removes the mask before the Referee calls Halt!

Correct! Wrong!

the table in t.120, there is no asterisk next to this offense, meaning that the touch is not annulled. The bout is not over, since the fencers have not saluted and shaken hands. The penalty should be awarded. In practice, referees often fail to call “Halt” and they are not required to signal when there is an audible signal and a light showing that a touch has arrived and both fencers stop fencing. In such a situation, a penalty seems unfair.

32. No penalties have been given. With the back hand, Fencer X pushes Fencer Y’s blade aside. X then touches Y on the valid surface.

Correct! Wrong!

33. The lateral position for fencers when they are placed on guard must be:

Correct! Wrong!

34. No other penalties have been given. At the referee’s command “Ready,” Fencer X comes on guard with his or her weapon curved beyond the maximum allowed by the rules for the weapon.

Correct! Wrong!

‘On guard‘, after which the Referee asks, ‘Are you ready?‘. On receiving an affirmative reply, or in the absence of a negative reply, he gives the command for fencing to commence with the word ‘Fence‘. The Rules do not describe “Ready” as a “command.” If the proper sequence is followed, the fencer has an opportunity to answer in the negative after having been on guard already, with an opportunity to inspect the blade.

35. Fencer X attacks before the command Fence! is given. Fencer Y parries successfully and scores a valid touch on the immediate riposte.

Correct! Wrong!

The start of the bout is signaled by the word ‘Fence‘. No movement made or initiated before the word ‘Fence’ is counted.

36. Fencer X stops for any reason other than the Referee’s Halt! during a phrase and is hit valid by Fencer Y.

Correct! Wrong!

If a competitor stops before the word ‘Halt‘, and is touched, the touch is valid.

37. Fencer X executes an attack. After scoring a valid touch, X then leaves the side of the strip with both feet.

Correct! Wrong!

38. Fencer X drops the weapon after Fencer Y executes a parry. Y’s immediate riposte scores a valid touch.

Correct! Wrong!

“Halt!” is called by the referee on observing the problem. An immediate riposte would have been initiated before the halt and is therefore valid.

39. Fencer X makes an attack, which is parried. X is off the side of the strip in front of Y with both feet before Fencer Y’s riposte starts. Y’s riposte lands valid.

Correct! Wrong!

Halt on going off-strip before riposte, no touch. Ground penalty for leaving the strip.

40. Fencer X abandons the strip after being penalized twice for the same fault in an earlier bout in the same pool.

Correct! Wrong!

Cards don’t carry over from previous bouts, even bouts in the same pool

41. Fencing at close quarters is allowed so long as the competitors can:

Correct! Wrong!

42. No other penalties have been given. During the action, the fencers come into body contact (corps à corps).

Correct! Wrong!

43. No other penalties have been given. The fencers come into body contact (corps à corps). Fencer X immediately remises.

Correct! Wrong!

44. In a pool bout, having already received a YELLOW CARD, Fencer X causes corps à corps with jostling. Fencer Y is winning 4-2.

Correct! Wrong!

45. No other penalties have been given. During an action, Fencer X causes corps à corps to avoid a touch. No touch is scored. For the replacement on guard:

Correct! Wrong!

“In all three weapons it is forbidden for a fencer to cause corps à corps intentionally to avoid being touched, or to jostle the opponent. Should such an offence occur, the Referee will penalize the fencer at fault….”

46. No other penalties have been given. During an action, Fencer X causes corps à corps with Fencer Y. Both fencers are one meter in front of X’s end line.

Correct! Wrong!

t. 17 The competitors may not be replaced on guard, at their correct distance, in such a way as to place behind the rear line of the strip a fencer who was in front of that line when the bout was halted. If he already had one foot behind the rear line, he remains in that position. If a fencer has crossed the lateral boundaries of the strip, he may be put back on guard at the correct distance even if this places him behind the rear line and thereby causes a touch to be awarded against him.

47. No penalties have been given. After causing incidental corps à corps with Fencer Y, Fencer X leaves the side of the strip with both feet.

Correct! Wrong!

Halt for corps à corps—leaving the strip after the halt incurs no penalty

48. No penalties have been given. While fencing at close quarters, Fencer X is not moving. Fencer Y’s elbow gently touches X’s mask as Y makes a parry. Y’s immediate riposte lands valid.

Correct! Wrong!

“Gently” means no jostling occurred and the blow was not brutal.

49. Fencer X makes a simple attack. Fencer Y ducks to avoid being hit and touches the strip with the unarmed hand. While still touching the strip, Y lands a valid touch on X and then X begins a reprise that lands valid on Y.

Correct! Wrong!

Fencer X does not begin his reprise until after Fencer Y’s action.

50. Fencer X makes a simple attack that misses because Fencer Y displaces the valid surface by ducking. Y’s counter attack lands valid.

Correct! Wrong!

51. During the second bout of a team match, both fencers are not actively attempting to score. The Referee should:

Correct! Wrong!

52. Having already received a YELLOW CARD, Fencer X turns the back in an action. X has yet to score a touch.

Correct! Wrong!

53. With no other penalties given, a fencer receives a RED CARD for absence of inspection marks. The fencer subsequently turns the back. The fencer receives a:

Correct! Wrong!

54. Fencer X arrives at the strip for a direct elimination bout and receives a YELLOW CARD for faulty equipment. With no other penalties given, X is losing during the second period by a score of 14-6 and turns the back.

Correct! Wrong!

55. The correct distance between fencers when they come on guard (other than at the on guard lines) is:

Correct! Wrong!

56. Replacement on guard at the beginning of each round of a direct elimination bout is:

Correct! Wrong!

57. If time expires with a tied score in either a pool or direct elimination bout, the fencers are replaced on guard:

Correct! Wrong!

58. When a Halt! is called, Fencer X and Fencer Y are very close but not in body contact and X is straddling X’s end line.

Correct! Wrong!

59. In an advance-lunge, Fencer X steps off the side of the strip with both feet during the advance, but recovers the strip and then scores a valid touch on Fencer Y.

Correct! Wrong!

Fencing referee online test - General questions - Part 1
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