Fencing referee online test – Sabre questions (35Q)

1. Fencer X makes a flank cut that is short. With no pause, X immediately cuts to the head, while simultaneously Fencer Y cuts to the head. Both actions land valid.

Correct! Wrong!

avoided, and the phrase must be followed through. (b) The attack is correctly carried out when the extending of the arm, with the point or the cutting edge continuously threatening the valid target, precedes the initiation of the lunge. 1. An attack with a lunge is correctly carried out: — in a simple attack (cf. t.8) when the beginning of the extending of the arm precedes the launching of the lunge and the touch arrives at the latest when the front foot touches the strip;… *** 3. If the attack is commenced when the opponent‘s blade is not ‘in line’, the attack may be completed either direct, or by a disengagement or by a cutover, or else be preceded by feints (cf. t.77) which oblige the opponent to parry. The implication is that the flank cut is made correctly (with a lunge), and that the front foot has landed, ending the first attack. It has been “completely avoided.” Since this attack failed, right-of-way shifts to Fencer Y, whose attack is “commenced when the opponent’s point is not in line.” This has priority over the redoublement by Fencer X.

2. Fencer X makes a direct attack with advance-lunge while Fencer Y, who has been waiting to time X’s action, immediately establishes a line before X completes the advance. Both fencers hit valid.

Correct! Wrong!

t.75(b)2. An attack with a step-forward-lunge is correctly carried out: — in a simple attack (cf. t.8) when the beginning of the extending of the arm precedes the step-forward and when the touch arrives at the latest when the front foot touches the strip; t.80.2. The fencer who attacks is alone counted as touched: (a) If he initiated his attack when his opponent had his point ‘in line’ and without deflecting the opponent‘s weapon. When Fencer X initiated his attack, Fencer Y was not yet in the position of point-in-line.

3. Fencer X is at double advance plus lunge distance and makes a double advance plus lunge attack while Fencer Y, who has been waiting to time X’s action, immediately establishes a line before the start of X’s advance-lunge. Both fencers hit valid.

Correct! Wrong!

simple attack (cf. t.8) when the beginning of the extending of the arm precedes the step-forward and when the touch arrives at the latest when the front foot touches the strip; t.80.2. The fencer who attacks is alone counted as touched: (a) If he initiated his attack when his opponent had his point ‘in line’ and without deflecting the opponent‘s weapon. The attack by Fencer X did not start until his final advance. Fencer Y had established the point in line and Fencer X did not deflect it.

4. Fencer X starts a multiple feint attack. Fencer Y follows the feints. After X’s first feint, X’s arm is pulled back so that X’s elbow is touching X’s side. X finishes the action with the arm extending and Y counter attacks into the extension. Both land valid.

Correct! Wrong!

(d) If, during a compound attack, he makes a stop hit without being in time. The attack by Fencer X started with the extension.

5. The correct distance between sabre fencers when they come on guard (other than at the on guard lines) is:

Correct! Wrong!

6. Fencer X makes a beat attack that arrives on the valid surface. On the beat, Fencer Y’s weapon drops to the strip.

Correct! Wrong!

2. Stopping the bout The bout stops on the word ‘Halt’…. As soon as the order ‘Halt’ has been given, a competitor may not start a new action; only the movement which has been begun before the order was given remains valid. The order ‘Halt’ is also given if…one of the competitors is disarmed Halt! will not be called until the weapon leaves Fencer Y’s hand, by which time the final thrust has begun.

7. Before the command Fence! is given, Fencer X establishes the line.

Correct! Wrong!

In foil and saber fencers may not come on guard in the ‘in line’ position.

8. Fencer X retreats over the rear limit for the first time.

Correct! Wrong!

t.27 Should a competitor cross the rear limit of the strip completely — i.e. with both feet — a touch will be scored against him/her.

9. A sabre blade may not curve or hook in the direction of the cutting edge, but what is the maximum allowable curvature of the blade in the lateral plane?

Correct! Wrong!

If the blade has a curve, it must be a distinct curve which must be continuous, and the deflection must be less than 4 cm. Blades with sharply bent extremities or which curve in the direction of the cutting edge are forbidden.

10. What feature should the Referee check about the guard of the sabre?

Correct! Wrong!

The guard must be full in shape, made in one piece and externally smooth. It must have a convex form which is continuous, without rim or holes.

11. What feature should the Referee check about the sabre fencer’s conductive jacket?

Correct! Wrong!

The sleeves of the conductive jacket must be fixed at the wrist by means of an elastic band. There must be a strap passing between the fencer‘s legs to keep the jacket in place (see Figure 15, above).

12. Fencer X cuts (not a point action) and clearly lands with the flat of the blade on Fencer Y’s valid surface. Y’s counter-attack lands with the point.

Correct! Wrong!

13. Fencer X’s attack arrives on Fencer Y’s leg. Y’s counter attack arrives simultaneously on X’s valid surface.

Correct! Wrong!

14. Both fencers attack simultaneously. Fencer Y makes an attack that lands valid, while Fencer X’s attack lands off the valid surface.

Correct! Wrong!

15. Fencer X makes an attack against Fencer Y’s point in line. At the final moment of X’s attack, Y lunges. Both fencers hit.

Correct! Wrong!

16. With no penalties given in the bout, Fencer X makes a flèche-attack. While retreating, Fencer Y makes a stop-cut. Neither of these actions lands. Both fencers immediately remise their actions; the remises land at the same time.

Correct! Wrong!

17. Fencer X makes an attack against Fencer Y’s point in line. At the final moment of X’s attack, Y advances. Both fencers hit.

Correct! Wrong!

t.76 (c) In order to judge the correctness of an attack, the following points must be considered: 1. If the attack is initiated when the opponent has his point ‘in line’ (cf. t.10) the attacker must first deflect his opponent‘s weapon.

18. Fencer X begins an attack with a feint. Fencer Y momentarily follows the feint and then counter attacks and hits valid into X’s continuation, which also lands valid.

Correct! Wrong!

(e) If during a compound attack the opponent finds the blade during one of the feints, he has the right to riposte. (f) In a compound attack the opponent has the right to stop-hit; but, in order to be valid, the stop hit must precede the last movement of the attack by one period of fencing time, i.e. the stop hit must arrive before the attacker has started the last movement of the attack itself. Having failed to find the blade during the feint, Fencer Y does not earn right of way.

19. Fencer X makes a compound attack, but the blade is less than 135 degrees; Fencer Y immediately cuts into X’s action.

Correct! Wrong!

t.77 (d) In compound attacks the feint must be correctly carried out, i.e.: 1. A feint with the point, with the arm extended and the point threatening the target continuously. 2. A feint with a cut, the arm extended, the blade and the arm forming an obtuse angle of about 135°, with the cutting edge threatening a valid part of the target. t.80 (e) If, during a compound attack, he is stop-hit one period of fencing time (temps d‘escrime) before he makes his final movement

20. Both fencers start attacks simultaneously. During Fencer Y’s attack, Y attempts to find Fencer X’s blade with a forward and sideways sweep, but fails. Both fencers hit at the same time.

Correct! Wrong!

21. Fencer X advances with a slow feint and then completes the attack with a head cut. On the feint, Fencer Y finds X’s blade and makes a head cut. Both actions land valid.

Correct! Wrong!

22. Fencer X makes an attack that is parried and an immediate remise that lands valid before Fencer Y’s immediate direct riposte lands valid.

Correct! Wrong!

23. Fencer X makes an advance-lunge with a head cut, but X’s arm is in the guard position on the advance. As X starts the advance, Fencer Y hits X before the start of X’s lunge. Both actions land valid.

Correct! Wrong!

t.80.2(d) If, during a compound attack, he bends his arm or makes a momentary pause, during which time the opponent makes a stop hit or an attack while the attacker continues his own attack (e) If, during a compound attack, he is stop-hit one period of fencing time (temps d‘escrime) before he makes his final movement.

24. Fencer X attacks and is parried. X quickly recovers, simultaneously placing the point in line. After X recovers, Fencer Y makes an attack. Both actions land valid.

Correct! Wrong!

(a) If he initiated his attack when his opponent had his point ‘in line‘ and without deflecting the opponent‘s weapon. Referees must ensure that a mere grazing of the blades is not considered as sufficient to deflect the opponent‘s blade.

25. Fencer X makes an attack with advancelunge. Fencer Y counterattacks with a lunge. Neither of these actions lands. Both fencers remise simultaneously; the remises land at the same time.

Correct! Wrong!

26. Fencer X reports to the strip with a lamé over-glove that has no provision, such as elastic, to ensure good contact with the sleeve of the metallic jacket.

Correct! Wrong!

27. The metallic fabric covering the glove must be folded to the inside of the cuff to a depth of at least:

Correct! Wrong!

28. Fencer Y makes a direct attack with advance-lunge against Fencer X’s point in line. Expecting the beat, X makes two disengages. Both fencers hit.

Correct! Wrong!

Expecting doesn’t mean that there was an attempt.

29. In direct elimination bouts, in saber only, the first period will end when:

Correct! Wrong!

30. May an orthopaedic grip be used in sabre?

Correct! Wrong!

31. Fencer X makes a direct attack to head with advance lunge. During the course of the action, Fencer Y blocks the attack with the elbow of his weapon arm and makes a riposte which arrives valid.

Correct! Wrong!

— The parry is the defensive action made with the weapon to prevent an offensive action arriving.. The light goes off when the elbow of Fencer Y is hit. “Blocking” is ineffective; the elbow is valid target, hence there was no “substitution.” There is no riposte because there was no parry .

32. Both fencers attack simultaneously. The lights indicate that only Fencer Y was hit. Y’s cord from the metallic jacket to the mask had become disconnected prior to the attacks.

Correct! Wrong!

The hit was on other valid target. There is no reason to annul it.

33. Fencer X makes an attack against Fencer Y’s point in line. At the final moment of X’s attack, Y hits with the cutting edge. Both fencers hit.

Correct! Wrong!

Point touches which slip over the valid target, or cuts which merely brush the opponent‘s target (passé touches) do not count.

34. Fencer X makes an attack against Fencer Y’s point in line. During the course of the attack X searches for and finds Y’s blade. Y places his point in line again while X continues his attack directly. Both fencers hit.

Correct! Wrong!

If, having his point ‘in line‘ (cf. t.10) and being subjected to a beat or a taking of the blade (prise de fer) which deflects his blade, he attacks or places his point in line again instead of parrying a direct touch made by his opponent.

35. Fencer X makes an attack which is successfully parried. Fencer Y makes an immediate riposte while simultaneously X makes a remise of the attack. Both fencers hit. Prior to the referee making his call, Fencer Y acknowledges a touch against himself.

Correct! Wrong!

If he makes a touch by a remise, redoublement or reprise following a parry by his opponent which has been followed by a riposte which is immediate, simple and executed in one period of fencing time without withdrawing the arm

Fencing referee online test – Sabre questions (35Q)
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